Remark is an industry-specific digital integrator. Since 2007 we have been helping companies to be as efficient as possible in the digital environment by automating the processes of marketing, sales and internal interaction between employees. Our main expertise is in real estate, but years of experience and competencies allow us to work with companies in all industries.
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ГК «Сокол»

Digital transformation of Sokol real estate developer
About the client and the project
Sokol Group is a reliable real estate developer, one of the region's leaders. The company implements large-scale development projects in the affordable luxury housing segment.
130 000 +
houses finished on schedule
families moved to new apartments
square metres of residential housing have been built
Our goal
At the beginning of 2020, the company ambitiously aimed to double the number of transactions by strengthening the marketing and optimizing the sales process. Together with our partners GMK, we conducted a comprehensive audit and identified growth points.
set up advertising campaign in digital
implement an analytics system and refine CRM
arrange a systematic work with digital channels
rebuilt the website
Working process
For more efficient work in all four directions, we used a comprehensive approach allowing our project team work as an internal department of the client's company in terms of an individual annual plan. This practice allows us to solve tactical and strategic digital tasks, systematically introduce new functionality and offer our own best practices and ideas, saving time and resources of the client's employees.

Using a comprehensive approach we conducted an audit, prepared an annual action-plan and set intermediate KPIs together with the client. The project team included:
    • Project manager, who oversees all work with the client;
    • Web developers (designers, developers, testers) to create and maintain landing pages and websites;
    • Digital marketers to conduct contextual and targeted advertising;
    • CRM integrators to implement, modify and maintain CRM;
    • BI-analyst, who develops and visualizes reports in dashboards.
Digital marketing
We started working with the design of the product and the main points of contact between the client and the developer in digital. This required processing of contextual advertising along with development of the main functional website. It usually takes an average of 5-6 months, the launch of landing pages made it possible to eliminate interruptions in attracting leads.
Additionally to working on increasing of quality traffic from different channels, we tested the conversion of the new website through A/B testing to make sure that it does not reduce the conversion of advertising traffic.
Brand awareness is one of the indicators that the real estate developer pays little attention to. The newer the residential complex is, the more difficult it is to convert traffic. To increase brand awareness of Sokol project, we used media advertising, which stimulated the growth of brand traffic and digital demand.
In total, to build a stable lead generation system, we tested more than 180 advertising campaigns and 54 offers, the main platforms were Yandex, Google, VK, Facebook, Instagram. At the end of the reporting period, we launched more than 400 advertising campaigns, which generated 60% of new requests for our client.
More than 5 thousand images for advertising systems
Real estate developer's new website
Clients often form their first opinion on the real estate developer's product by visiting the website, so it was crucial to create a competitive modern website, convenient and functional for users, meeting market requirements and customer expectations.
The key functional features of the new site are a convenient chart of the available apartments, advanced apartment selection filters, a visual presentation of promotions and benefits of the real estate developer's product.

During the launch, we redirected most of the traffic to the site, at the moment the conversion rate allows us to conclude that the client's new site encourages users to apply for a consultation. Finalized end-to-end analytics helped us to keep track of all the indicators.
Having implemented CRM for real estate developers thousands of times, we have formed unified industry standards that help to work effectively in CRM. In order to systematize the work of the sales department and increase the speed of applications processing we organized the entities cards (deals, leads, contacts), added new funnels, introduced basic automation, and updated the existing funnels. Now deal statuses are reflected correctly at all stages of its progress through the funnel.
1 — Воронка лидов
2 — Deals funnel
To automate the collection of reports, we installed and configured CRM Assistant Edward. The robot analyzes problem areas on a daily basis and sends reports according to the priority indicators of the sales department - the number of unprocessed leads, the number of forgotten deals, helping managers and executives to comply with the work regulations in CRM.
Most often, sales department employees are hindered by switching between different accounting systems, databases wich affects the speed of work. We try to maximize the usability of CRM using the principle of a single system for the manager's work. We implemented the Profitbase booking system and integrated it with Bitrix24 so that employees book apartments in Profitbase from Bitrix24's deal. Prior to this, the work was carried out in several unrelated spreadsheets in excel, and the information was updated manually on all platforms for finding and selling apartments.
Working with prices updating takes a lot of valuable time, in order to speed up the process, we have created a single mechanism for updating prices from Google Sheets. Now, in order to update prices on the website, in CRM and in Profitbase at the same time, one needs to perform only one action - update prices in a single table.
    1. In order to change the prices for apartments on all websites, it is enough only to correct the price for the pool of apartments in the pricing chart.
    2. This change will go to Profitbase and from there through all channels to the website and aggregators.
    3. Up-to-date information is sent to the required reports.
Analytics and BI
To create a manageable transparent analytics system, avoid errors, track results and make timely decisions we have connected the sales pulse, which allows to collect data from CRM and form it into reports, graphs and dashboards. Now managers can keep abreast, see the dynamics of leads, meetings, bookings, and the implementation of plans from one system.

The reports include conversions for each target action in departments and for specific managers.
1. Sales Pulse start screen with all the information in the form of graphs
2. A report on lead loss scenarios for each manager allows to track the managers' shortcomings in dynamics.
3. The list of transactions where the apartment is booked, with the ability to filter by period, object, manager and type of sale, provides quick access to data in a convenient format.
4. A register of quality leads is necessary to track the quantity and quality of conversion by a manager.
5. The summary by agencies report reflects the summary of the conversion of agency transactions, information is presented both for agencies and for individual agents.
6. Report on the achievement of the sales plan.
The Result
Using an integrated approach, we audited the entire chain: from digital advertising campaigns to the website and CRM system. We defined points of growth in conversion from an application to a purchase and built a systematic work with a digital channel, redesigned the website, set up system advertising in digital, implemented an analytics system and finalized CRM - a complete digital transformation. As a result we have transformed the work of the client, having fulfilled all the goals and designated KPIs:
The number of leads increased by 75%
The average cost of attracting a deal decreased by 2.5 times
The number of transactions per manager per month increased from 5.8 to 12.5 transactions
A lead generation system was built using 4 tools (digital advertising, quizzes, landing pages, real estate developer's website)
Our client's review
«Over the past year, our company has grown significantly in terms of construction. We realized that the old schemes of work were no longer effective enough for us. We needed an apprehensive approach in the direction of digital advertising, implementing a CRM system and an integrated analytics system. Remark team started work with an audit, identified shortcomings and errors, and made a work plan themselves. In the course of work, the project manager participated in our internal discussions and focused on the set KPIs, offered the most suitable solutions, setting priorities correctly. We really liked the efficiency of solving all problems and weekly reporting. We are satisfied with the result of cooperation, all the tasks and KPIs were fulfilled, the increase in the incoming flow contributed to the expansion of the staff for the primary processing of leads».
Denis Shchebunyaev
Marketing Director of the Sokol residential complexes