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We have developed an application for controlling equipment deliveries via Bitrix24

Client Potential Assessment

April 2021 — March 2022
collaboration period

About the Client

The client is a branch of a German equipment and spare parts for woodworking production supplier.

The Task

To develop an application for the on-premise version of Bitrix24 to calculate the potential profit for each client. The formula was provided by the company. The client's potential was calculated separately for equipment and service. In the first case, the calculation was based on information about the model and date of equipment delivery, in the second case - about the work performed and date of work.

Solution approach

The company set us the task of developing an MVP version of the product based on a set of specifications. According to the client's idea, the first version of the product should contain minimal functionality, be simple and user-friendly.
When we started development, it became clear that MVP would not be able to fully solve the task. We offered to develop a fully functional application - and the client agreed.
The project was managed by two managers - one from the client's side and one from Remark's side. Intermediate development results were demonstrated to the client on a test portal.

How does this work

  • Stanislav
    Project Manager
    The interface is a branching cascade of nested tabs - or a tab tree. The application is opened from the toolbar of the client card in Bitrix24.
The first thing the user sees is a section called "General Customer Information". The section displays the results of calculating the potential of the client - both by sales volume (NT) and by service volume (S). The results of annual turnover calculation for both indicators are also displayed.

Tab Tree

From the "Customer General Information" section, one of the sections called "Production Area" will open, and from the "Production Area" section, the tab for the machine that is working in the production area will open.
The tabs corresponding to one or another machine are automatically generated in the application when the manager selects a machine.
Each machine corresponds to one or more spindles (the shaft on which the material to be processed is attached), and each spindle corresponds to one or more tools. Each spindle and tool has its own tab.

Parameter input and calculation principles

The manager fills in only the fields of the Tools tab. He enters the tool name and a number of parameters, and the application calculates the sales and service potential of the tool. The application automatically calculates the contents of all other tabs in the cascade - from "Spindles" to "General Customer Information".

This logic of the application is explained by the arithmetic principle of the customer calculation. Thus, the sum of the tool potentials represents the spindle potential, and the sum of the spindle potentials represents the machine potential. Accordingly, the potential of a production area is the sum of the potentials of the machines, and the potential of the customer is the potential of its production areas.

Among the parameters to be calculated in the sales case (NT) were, for example, diameter and machining width as well as number of gears and gear material. In the case of service (S), the maximum number of resharpenings and the number of replacements before resharpening.

Additional Features

During the development process, at the client's request, we supplemented the application with multimedia data storage functionality. The client wanted to link photos of equipment to the corresponding tabs in the application so that, when necessary, he could open a photo of one or another machine.

We offered a solution that minimized the manager's actions. Bitrix24 automatically created a partition and folders on the disk for uploaded photos, from where they were already directly accessible from the application.

The Result

During the development, the functionality of the application was expanded, and this made it possible to perform calculations faster than originally planned. Despite the complexity of the calculations, the task was simple for the employees. The minimalistic interface eliminated switching between windows and helped the manager to navigate in the application. As a result, the client received an efficient personalized application for profit calculation.