The manager fills in only the fields of the Tools tab. He enters the tool name and a number of parameters, and the application calculates the sales and service potential of the tool. The application automatically calculates the contents of all other tabs in the cascade - from "Spindles" to "General Customer Information".
This logic of the application is explained by the arithmetic principle of the customer calculation. Thus, the sum of the tool potentials represents the spindle potential, and the sum of the spindle potentials represents the machine potential. Accordingly, the potential of a production area is the sum of the potentials of the machines, and the potential of the customer is the potential of its production areas.
Among the parameters to be calculated in the sales case (NT) were, for example, diameter and machining width as well as number of gears and gear material. In the case of service (S), the maximum number of resharpenings and the number of replacements before resharpening.